Friday, May 8, 2009


To all: sorry for leaving early. I had to pick up my grandfather from the airport, so I had initially planned on leaving around 8, but due to the fact that we started much later than 7, unfortunately that meant that I wasn't able to hear everyones work. I hope that the rest of the reading went well, and if anyone wants to email me the work that they read, that would definitely be appreciated.

Thanks for the semester.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crystal's Portfolio Link

I am posting everything together on my new blog, Dash Dash.

Sarah's etude

Translated pages 68 and 69 of Susan Howe's The Nonconformist's Memorial by imagining some weird garden scene. I like the idea better than the words that happened. Still I think the shape looks cool.

Crystal's etude

I think this poem is stupid. Oh well. Was listening to hicks talk about trucks at Ty's Hamburgers.

Meat truck you
shed aluminum
pounds of trucks.

About a minute a
double good minute.
I’ll have meat 4000,
we guys be the cheese,

do y’all good
mayonnaise. When y’all
4000 meat minute
good steel. Shut just

it ain’t built alright
by driver bumpers
hickory down. You
trucks awright? The

minute up there I’ll
shut yer way. Ain’t
we just pounds back
and just double up we
back down steel.

visual library etude

why oh why have i half-finished (but not fully-finished) so many etudes???

claire's etude


Hey, here is one of the circle poems I worked on after we turned in our midterm portfolio. I really tried to make it read well no matter where you started and which way you went.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009