Sunday, March 29, 2009

E-Ratio Postmodern Poetry

E-Ratio Postmodern Poetry
1) Address:
2) Editor Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino
3. A few names of people that have been published:
David Appelbaum
Donald Wellman
Mary Ann Sullivan
Joseph F. Keppler
Patrick Lawler
James Stotts
David Rushmer
Melanie Brazzell
Jennifer Juneau

Here is a poem that I like:
3) “E-Ratio publishes poems in the postmodern idioms with an emphasis on the intransitive” INDEED IT DOES.

I sent homeboy Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino an email asking some questions about submitting and here’s the info I got from him:
-No simultaneous submissions
-He will usually respond to a submission between two weeks and two months. If he takes longer, that means you’ve been shortlisted.
-He didn’t really answer my question about when he stops accepting submissions, he just said that he reads them right up until the production process is over and the issue is ready to go online and that he begins reading for the next issue immediately.
-He usually accepts anywhere from nine to 19 poets.

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