Monday, February 9, 2009

Etude 4

This one's a team effort, so you have two options here.

a. Grab some old class notes, if you still have them, from a class you either really liked or really hated, and make some found poetry out of those. Do you actually remember anything you learned? Fill in the gaps if you can, without consulting any references. The stuff you make up will probably be better than the actual class material anyway. (Loosely, this could be like an extension of Etude 1, where you had to think about subjects/vocabularies you liked and hated.)

b. Take your notebook and sit in a coffee shop or other public place (ACAC? park bench? whatever). Write down scraps of conversation that you overhear. Not necessarily the interesting scraps, either--try being as continuous as possible for awhile. Then make some found poetry out of the notes you've taken.


  1. option "b" sounds an awful lot like an exercise that i came up with back in the poetry and poetics class when every student had to come up with their own exercise. THIEF.

    it's ok crystal, i forgive you.

  2. i still like it anyway. need to track down my tape recorder....

  3. Geosciences Department Remix:

    You'd think they'd talk about rocks.

    see see on light. that glow dark! Mule light people's the way
    Ouch! love
    I'm discomfort
    when strangle
    Nike got at k
    going can I on green just you pay its Kain's radio
    element for at Government so You rapists.
    Don't burned.

    Pro-lifers dancing are Dunks everything. cool
    They look massive tonight
    snow improving parents
    causes me way. me the in Aphrodite.
    Red to don't

  4. ETUDE 4 ADDENDUM: Considering our readings, I think everyone should try to make either an open-ended serial poem or a procedural poem out of the materials that Crystal proposed. That's how it will be different that what you may have done before in other classes.

  5. Here's my procedural poem.

    I sat in 15th Street Coffee Shop for half-an-hour, recording the conversation I could hear. Then I took every fifteen lines of that "transcript" and put them into a separate document. I went through the "transcript" approximately five times, counting fifteen lines and then taking one, until I had a collection of "random" lines. I shaped those into what follows. The line breaks represent breaks in the transcript on which the 15-line count fell.


    I stand in my kitchen and talk, honey, I’m so sorry
    I need those keys
    wow, that’s so funny

    I’m trying to download from Enlighten
    nobody can hear me scream up here
    [Introduce girl in thick glasses with bright red coat, dark stockings, short denim skirt,
    shall we live in sin that grace may abound?
    just giving you a hard time
    you should come over and watch me
    it’s dust
    break pads are in, but rotors aren’t

    Have trouble?
    that’s what transforms
    those are good. Really good.

    “at this point I’m gettin’ a towel and some gloves”
    sometimes you have to stop and care
    what’s in your bubble?
    I’ve got to go to Home Depot
    don’t ask any questions
    about African children
    you’d probably get a kick out of it
    she broke connection
    do you need something?
    glorious Emmaline
    well, don’t let them confuse you

  6. I transcribed whatever snippets I could until I had roughly a page written out. Then, starting from the bottom I split the page up into groups of 5 phrases. Each group I took as my wordbank for an unrhymed couplet of 6 words/line. It ended up being slightly more cohesive than I thought it would be given that the snippets are from 2 different conversations and couplets tend to sound sort of disjointed anyway.


    why just tolerate those minerals - the
    house can't figure out, and won't

    the time for hello will break
    when I first see her stress

    you don't want after to talk
    test; anyway today, talk to her

    she's trying to know. she doesn't.
    watching, like membership, has its its

    today she was I she was
    scary - I found that was it

    I wish you every, every chance
    there's one, $12.99, another awesome it

    my heavy heart observances: girl culture.
    hahhaha! serious. now talent be laughter.

    100 g crackers, 80 oz. protein
    trying to water special, escape time

  7. Using philosophy / religion notes that are over two years old, I tried to do a serial poem. Here's the first draft, but if I want it to live up to its title / be worth reading, I will need to work on it a lot more. It also has the potential to be much longer, since I have notes from four philosophy classes I liked.

    the prodigal son story

    a philosophical commune edited the gospel to suit their theology
    exclusivity was another attraction
    some biblical references kept recurring in different forms and names
    ancient gods responsible for cycling of things do not create something from nothing

    matter was irreformable. fatalistic.
    the manichaean god is like a victim of the other evil god

    who teaches men to be fathers?
    washing would incur even greater guilt
    she becomes a test case of what true religion is
    characteristic nostalgia for home is pagan
    who is the intermediary who shows us how to live?
    does philosophy really dissolve those fetters?

    teach us how to rebind and rediscover. sacraments are

    heart turns love of wisdom

    everyone built bad habits / encouraged vice together
    envy has a social aspect
    at some point there are limits
    first failure to imitate
    called to start a city by faith
    the human city cannot save itself
    even in its exilic condition

    to be an object of love agathon was attractive
    Socrates wanders off and is late to the party.
    does he just not care about what others think, or is he being a flirt?
    being so distracted is what makes him desirable to others.

    presupposition that women are unintelligent and loved only for the body
    love generates virtue
    aristophanes gets the hiccups from overeating
    it can be divisive
    common love does not
    "self-important prig"
    religion steps in to ease away this resentment
    to generate / restore love in / among parts of your body
    we used to be complete
    now Love draws us to find our other halves
    communities will fail because of disordered passions
    the wrong kinds of individuals
    communities in trouble
    love is praiseworthy because of the benefits it yields
    children are one result of love, but virtue is better
    children are a distraction

    why is love depicted as desolate?
    between understanding and ignorance
    between mortal and immortal

    we cannot manipulate it

    this good produces happiness
    possessing that good forever
    yearning for immortality is built in

    understand our lives in a form other than narrative
    if we became bored, maybe it isn't good
    aren't things good because they are fleeting?
    the good thing hasn't changed. you have.

    they aren't sure it's physically their child
    progeny carrying on your memory
    pregnancy is divine
    this is how we "know" what something is
    too simple, cannot be classified by parts or characteristics
    therefore cannot be known.

    an intermediate step toward no account of concrete love

    distance doesn't commit to anyone
    we have no idea what we seek
    needing scriptures for credibility
    a desire to distort the truth
    friends can be dangerous
    no passions distorted his judgment
    and the person knows it isn't good

    neither account for the inclination to turn away
    objects of love become bitter apart from God
    what does the rest look like
    then the soul becomes aware
    exposes to us the existing misery
    the theater showcases our perversity

    to be loved without these pitfalls
    he needs to turn away from the mutable world

    no lack of freedom
    can put order into their love
    we need salvation from this creature weakness

    truth doesn't
    if we cease to exist, it will still be true

    we need to reconcile our loves
    a redeemer taking us back to the truth

    he falls off the ascent
    makes promises he cannot keep

    orders all other sciences
    to see what happiness is

    animals can't
    come crashing down

    downward until God draws us back to Himself
    "I loved my fall"

    others have no principle to evaluate
    friendship is gratuitous
    when speaking of all relationships as friendships
    doesn't love himself befriend others?

    you can make anyone blame this seeming discontent with modern acquaintances.
    the matrix of friendship won't dismiss the idiosyncratic things that would separate us.
    people are too weak and inconstant to nourish it into true virtue.
    only invitation to grieve. care for the old.

    no account needed to be confronted and modified
    more questions can be incomplete

    transforming providential rule created this knowledge in us
    freedom is not necessarily the ability to choose
    these form a list of abominations
    counterfeit virtues

  8. I will do you one better. this is not class notes, but rather a continuous transcription of the professors lecture, edited for your viewing pleasure.

    is not the between

    flesh as part
    of these parts

    here the outer aspect
    necessary to keep
    division of


    discovered myself subject

    is constant
    this other

    in it is
    cohabitation but it is
    opposite this is how
    sin but
    you read
    this as
    a whole

    as possible

    we are
    this statement
    which i am not

    radically above
