Dear class, Renata wanted me to post her thoughts about the readings until she's blog-savvy:
About Heidegger, I would like to know more about 'Emergence:' As I read Heidegger, I see the emergence of truth (beauty?) from the work of art as the inherent quality that conceals and reveals itself, which is beyond usefulness, that reveals itself in poetry, for example, as the unsayable, that which cannot be said, a slippery notion . The poetic reveals itself through words. The other arts have their own language which also conceals and reveals truth (beauty?) of the work created. 'Emergence' therefore is a process, an unstable relationship that cam be apprehended but not possessed. Emergence occurs because the artist was able, consciously or unconsciously, to create over and beyond the work itself. This makes me think of Bachelard or, to refer to the experimental writers of the packet you distributed in class, to Blake's notion of the 'contraries.'
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