Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wheelhouse Magazine

Wheelhouse Magazine

1. no physical address
2. David Michael Wolach
3. People in it:

Amy King
Juliet Cook
Stan Apps
Rob Halpern
Carl Novack (check his out, it's an mp3)
Tasha Marie Glen
Kate Switaj

4. What they say: "We welcome both new and established writers' submissions. However, we do favor the new writer. We especially welcome non-mainstream work, work that has of yet no agreed upon name or categorical framework. We are pluralists regarding text arts, but we are not eclectic. When we open submissions we take great pleasure in disruptive, performative, and philosophically violent poetic expectoration. Poems: if Billy Collins has been "an inspiration" to you, do not send us your poetry. Not that there is something necessarily wrong with your poetry, but there is, semi-factually, something wrong with Billy Collins. Poems that experiment with language as material, interrogate normative grammatical structures, explore ideas as cultural artifacts and not merely givens, and that may be accused of falling prey to the difficult poetry epidemic of 1912 are especially welcome. As are: translations, ekphrastic work, sound and visual work, and collaborative ventures. We really love good collaborative pieces. Please send 3-10 poems. We like to get a deeper sense of your writing than, say, the lone poem, could give us." They are pretty out there.

Other important info:

Submission is rolling. They have done a chapbook series in the past and might do it again in the future, so keep an eye out for it.

1 comment:

  1. I like and know several of the people published in this mag. It will definitely fit what most of you are doing.
